Over the past week or so I have heard the same song on the radio what feels like 5000 times! I listen to K-LOVE every day pretty much constantly so when this happens I can't help but take it as a sign from my sweet Daddy upstairs. What song? Let Them See You by the JJ Weeks Band. As some of you may know, the D.J.s on this radio station sometimes will give you a background on why the song was written and what it really means. I love this song. Absolutely everything about it. The artist wrote this song as a personal prayer for every time he performs...but can't we all apply this to what we individually do every day? His main prayer is for everyone he reaches with his music and his life to see God, hear God, and know God's love through his every action. WOW what a prayer. I want those around me to see my Father in every single thing that I do. I want them to feel His love. I want them to see His grace. I don't want them to see ME, because I am nothing without Christ and if it is me that they see, then I don't have Christ living in me...in my heart.
I was irritated and tired earlier this week and I just couldn't stop being negative and complaining and Zack pulled me aside and reminded me that "our forgiveness and love is what shows others the true nature of our hearts." First of all, could I be any luckier to have a man who isn't afraid to set me straight and who is strong enough to lead me in my Father's ways when I'm falling a little behind? Ladies, don't get offended if a guy ever holds you accountable or points out something that you are doing that doesn't give Christ the glory. That my friends is a real man and those are the men all the single ladies should be waiting for. Men, lead your ladies. Period.
With Zack saying what he said to me and that song coming on the radio pretty much every time I got in the car, I thought about my life and what I can do to let Daddy shine through. So today as I'm riding down the road with my sunglasses promptly on my nose, I had a thought...kinda silly, but a thought nonetheless. "I get to look through happy hearts every day with these sunglasses! How can you not be happy when you're looking through these things?!" While I thoroughly amused myself, I also reminded myself that abiding in Christ is kind of like wearing my happy heart glasses! How can I not be happy when I look through these eyes and see what all my God has made with His very hands, when I see all of the blessings I have received, when I feel the love that surrounds me, when I feel His comfort in my times of pain and need.
How can I not be happy?!
And furthermore, how can I not radiate and share that happiness!? Why should I keep it to myself? So my prayer for today and every day is for my Father to let all of those around me to see Him in everything I do, hear Him in every word I speak, and feel Him through the love that I give. May I remember that His grace IS enough and that is truly all I need. May everything beyond that be counted as a blessing which I am so very thankful for.
"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
Psalm 118:24