While going through this week with all the stress from dealing with my room and a midterm I was freaking out about, I kept searching and searching for something to lift my spirits. One of them was the bible study that I am currently doing. It's called the Disciple's Cross and I highly recommended it. Having this bible study to go through and having that daily time with the Lord has really given me calm in my storm.
These children are such a blessing in my life and I look forward to seeing their sweet faces every week. I was privileged to tell them the Easter story this past Thursday. God calls us to be disciples and spread the Good News everywhere we go, and what better place to spread it than in the hearts of our children! Each and every one of these children are so very special and are learning to love Jesus with all of their hearts. Please pray for these sweet children and their families and pray that we will be able to continue ministering to them for as long as we can.
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