Fun, Fun, Fun
Well as you can see I am world's worst at updating you guys on my life every single day. To be honest though, it stresses me out and after much thought I have decided that the last thing I need is MORE stress. So instead of straining to post something every day and in order to keep from having boring posts about mounds of school work all of the time, I decided that if my day was not that interesting then I would wait until I had something worth writing about.

So this post is going to be about the past few days! Its been a great start to the weekend so far and I can't wait for the rest of today and tomorrow. Sunday is probably my favorite day of the weekend. As we all know, Valentine's day was this weekend. I did have a lovely day, but I have already written about that, but the next day I received 2 special valentines in the mail and I was so excited! I absolutely LOVE getting mail! Both my grandma and my mother sent me sweet cards that brightened my day. They were exactly what I needed. Its so wonderful getting things like that in the mail because some days are just rough and getting something in the mailbox from a friend or family member always reminds me that someone is thinking about me and really makes a difference. People just don't take the time for "snail mail" anymore...its such a shame!
Then there is Thursday night. I will start at about noon on Thursday with my story. Pre-story: A few weeks ago Zack informed me that the School of Pharmacy was having a formal and asked if I would like to go, and of course I agreed. Well, about a week ago he decided that he didn't really want to go and because of that I busied my Thursday expecting to do nothing that night...WRONG. Actual story: I was informed at noon on Thursday (day of the formal) that we were in fact going. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! So of course a million problems starting flashing through my mind, "What am I going to wear? How do I fix my hair? How am I going to do my makeup? When am I going to find time to get ready?" Even though I panicked and had an hour to get ready, for those of you who know me, this is a major deal, I was able to get ready in time and had wonderful fun! Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of us, and I'm kicking myself for it!

And now we make it to last night. I love Fridays. Usually because it is the one day that I have absolutely nothing to do and no obligations. It was a lazy day for me until about 5:30 when Zack and I went to a birthday party at one of the parks in Oxford and we took Paisley! She needed some fresh air after being in her crate all day. After the party, Zack had to go somewhere so I took Paisley back to my apartment with me and we watched Bride-day Friday on TLC! One of my favorites, and yes, Paisley will sit and watch TV! After a few hours, Zack came and picked us up and we went and had a wonderful dinner with his family and hung out over there for a while. Makes me miss family nights back at home with my own family, but I'm glad they are sweet enough to let me hang out with them.

So with all of you updated on my life, its time for me to peace out and get my Saturday rolling!
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