Perfect Valentines
So many of you know, I am not a big fan of Valentine's all. I honestly begged Zack not to get anything for me. Did he listen? Of course not! But like he promised, I didn't mind at all once I opened my gift. After a pretty rough and frustrating days, I was awakened from my nap to a knock on my apartment door. Knowing good and well I was the only one who was there to answer the door, I opened it to find my sweet boyfriend with a massive bouquet of flowers and a cute little gift bag. I should have taken a picture, but that probably wouldn't have gone over well...he still hasn't gotten over the random picture thing for this blog, especially when he has to be in a picture by himself.
ANYWAYS...after he convinced me to actually open my gift, I was so thrilled to be the proud owner of Lady and the Tramp (one of my favorites), twizzlers, and reese's. He knows me so well and I am so blessed. (It's Valentine's Day so I'm allowed to be mushy!) He has been getting his Valentine's Day gifts over the past week or so. His gifts were as follows: 2.5 dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies, brownies, 3 more chocolate chip cookies that were (we ate them already) shaped like hearts, and dinner (Chicken Enchiladas).
To keep the day going badly because it was just one of those days, I didn't have dinner ready for him until 9:00. He is so patient with me, thank goodness. It did turn out to be very good, or so he says, and I didn't take a picture of it because by the time it was ready, we were absolutely STARVING! After dinner, Paisley, Zack, and I all sat down and watched Lady and the Tramp...we did catch Paisley looking up at the movie every now and then! Too cute!
Even though I did have a valentine this year, I like to remember that the only valentine we ever need is God. His love surpasses any amount of love that another human heart can give us or that we can give another. So many times I see people so upset when they don't have someone to spend February 14th with and I just think, "Don't be upset! God loves you! He is the PERFECT valentine!" We often forget that and its definitely something worth remembering before you eat your weight in your favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor! Not only is God the perfect valentine, but He has your forever (human) valentine picked out especially for you and is just waiting for the perfect time to place him/her into your life.
With all that being said, I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! :)
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