After he left, I decided that I wouldn't spend the rainy Friday being unproductive. I refused. So I immediately decided to sell the rest of my textbooks from the past few semesters that I had laying around. Unfortunately a couple of them weren't being bought by any of the bookstores in town, but oh well! So after I did that I dropped by the bank and put what money I actually have in my checking account...anyone in Oxford need a babysitter?? :) Seriously though.
When I got home from this trip I sat in my car and changed out my CD player. For those of you who do not know my car, my CD player is in my glove box and it was definitely time for a recycle of music. It took forever! But it should make for more interesting car rides because I have no idea what is on a couple of them! (Mixed tapes) This should be interesting.
I'm so excited that I'm not extremely busy this weekend because I will have plenty of time to study and read my Bible. Recently I have taken it upon myself to read a chapter of Proverbs every day...WONDERFUL IDEA! I encourage all of you do the same, it really is great. Along with that, Zack and I have been studying the book of Romans together...also FABULOUS! I grown to really really love the book of Romans. So I'm very excited about having some really good quiet times this weekend.
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