Ministry, Allergies, and Reality Checks
The last place I left off was the weekend as I recall. To bring you all up to date, I will begin my post with the happenings of Sunday.
Like all Sundays, I started out the day with a wonderful church service at North Oxford Baptist Church. I just love getting to go to church and knowing that I am guaranteed a wonderful message from the pastor. After church I ate lunch at South Depot Taco Shop (I think that's what its called) on the square and it was really really good! I had a Memphis BBQ taco...if BBQ is an option, I will choose it, even if it is in taco form. Yummy! The best part about Sunday was after lunch. Zack and I have started a new ministry for college students to serve in one of the nursing homes in Oxford. So many times older people are put into these living facilities and just forgotten about. Our generation needs so badly to learn from the older generations and give our time to them. Our goal is to dedicate at least an hour a week to working puzzles, play games, and simply sharing life with these wonderful people! It truly was an amazing experience and I'm so looking forward to the rest of the Sundays I will be spending at the nursing home.
Then there comes Monday. I am not a Monday person usually, but this semester it helps that I only have one class. When I walked into class, the teacher announced that she was handing back our tests that we had taken almost two weeks ago. I was pretty nervous because this was the test that I had taken without having the material to study because the book was out of stock in the bookstore. Needless to say, I had learned almost all of it only moments before the test, at least I hoped I had. Well she calls my name and I look at my paper and I see a 95! I was so pleasantly surprised and thankful! After class I decided to take advantage of the wonderful weather and do my training outside! Yay!! Two miles, later, I got into my car all sweaty and nasty and it hit allergies. I literally sneezed seven times in a row...SEVEN! Unfortunately, this continued on for the entire day along with a lovely headache and a stuffy nose. :( On the bright side, the nature that caused my allergies to terrorize me was absolutely beautiful!
Last but definitely not least, today itself. Today was a fairly good day except of one thing...a reality check. Yes I am 19, no I am not invincible. Why do I say this? Well yesterday I obviously didn't take stretching too seriously before and after my run. Sometimes I think we all get in the mindset that we are in a way invincible. I had that mindset yesterday and paid for it in full today. I could hardly move at all. Everything from my knee up to my waist was stiff and in such pain that walking down the stairs and to all my classes was a million times more difficult than it should have been. Luckily, the pain had subsided immensely by the end of the day and I got to take Paisley on a one mile walk. She has a whole lot of learning to do when it comes to walking on a leash!
I couldn't resist posting these last few pictures from yesterday of Paisley. This laziness is exactly why she is my new official running buddy. This dog will literally fall asleep anywhere!! She even decided to lay down on the side of the road in the middle of our walk today! Thank goodness she is so cute!
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