Today I was sitting in my room trying to think of something to write about for today seeing as my day was not very interesting at all. Majority of my day was spent doing homework and sleeping, typical college student agenda! But today I really thought about the quote that I began this post with.
Sometimes in life when we think that everything is going perfectly, whether it actually is or we just ignore the fact that it isn't, things change. Something goes wrong or something significant happens that changes the course of our life and the way we see our future. At times it can be difficult to deal with these instances. We humans like things to stay the same and when things change for the worst, it is difficult to deal with sometimes. We may get angry and sad and act out. However, if we just take a second to step back and realize that it is going to be okay, things may not be as bad as we make them seem.
I have been so blessed these past few months, blessings that I may have never realized or accepted had I not trusted in the fact that God has my life in His hands and He has it under control. So I challenge each of you to do the same next time something doesn't go your way no matter how big or how small...its one of the best things you can do.