Take It All In
Today is a very special day! I have made it halfway through Winter Intersession! Even though the week has seemed to drag on and on, I have found myself learning many new things about the universe (I'm taking Astronomy) and myself. Today after I took my midterm I had about a 30 minute break until we continued on with a lecture. Now, I could have gone back to my apartment and sat in my room for a few minutes, but I decided it was much to warm outside to do something crazy like that!
While walking around, my mind started racing as it always does. This week I have been constantly reminded of God's goodness and how absolutely amazing He is. When looking at the sky during my night lab, I constantly ask to myself, "How could God not exist? How could all of this explode into existence without the help of God?" The intricacy and the beauty of the universe has been placed in front of me a whole lot this past week and I'm honestly very excited about what I get to experience next week! But this afternoon, I wasn't looking at the stars or the planets, I was looking at the creation we usually forget to notice during the day.
Usually when I walk through campus during the winter, I'm more worried about getting from building to building because most of the time it is pretty cold, and other times I just do not pay attention because I never really thought it could be pretty once almost all the leaves have fallen off the trees. In my opinion, everything just looks dead and bland. Today, however, I noticed that even amongst all the "deadness" of winter, there are still those beautiful surprises that are just waiting to be noticed.

It really is days like these when I actually take the time to stop and attempt to take it all in that I find myself appreciating the gift we have been given. Everything around us is so complex, yet it seems so simple and we realize just how small we are. We realize that there is something bigger, much bigger, than us. Life isn't about me and it isn't about you, its about God.
Whenever I took the time to really think about and study the universe and everything in it (partly because I had to), it really was a humbling experience, and experience that made me feel so small in such a big, big world. So I challenge all of you to take a moment every day to just enjoy. Enjoy the wonder and the beauty that God has placed right in front of you. It will show up in places where you least expect it and will absolutely blow your mind!
"God saw all that He had made, and it was very good."
Genesis 1:31
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