Friday....The 13th
I've never really been a very superstitious person when it came to Friday the 13th. It has actually always proved to be a pretty lucky day for me ever since I can remember! Today was no different. :)
I started out today with Astronomy, of course, but my spirits were very bright with the knowledge that this in fact was my last day of class!! It was great and encouraging! I did it! But to make today even better, we were let out of lecture a whole hour early! I was thrilled. So what did I decide to do to make today even better than it had already turned out to be? Well, I popped in one of my very favorite movies and put 7 chocolate chip cookies in the oven! It was wonderful and to top it all off I got to watch Brideday Friday on TLC wile I ate my dinner. Lab even went well today, we didn't have to do any special work, we just looked at different things with the telescopes. I saw JUPITER! How cool?!
SO today was all in all a wonderful day and that is about all there is to say about that! :)
Oh and I'm even more excited because I get to go home and spend time with my family for a few days before the Spring Semester starts! Can't wait!
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