Pains, Pet Peeves, and Lucky Days
Today. January 9. It was not only a Monday, but it was a Rainy Monday! This fact made me extremely determined to have a great day seeing as these two rarely ever mix. So here it goes...
This morning as I was fixing my hair, I burned my ear. Now, I do the same thing every single day and hardly ever do I burn myself. This was definitely because it was a rainy Monday, in my opinion because later, I hurt my wrist! I thought to myself, "Is there a mirror I broke and didn't realize it? Did I walk past a black cat?" I even ate my blacked eyed peas this year! (For those of you who know me, that is a first!) I just couldn't figure it out.
Pet Peeves:
I, like most people, have a lovely list of pet peeves, things people do that drive me absolutely crazy. Things like interrupting, chewing gum, driving below the speed limit, etc. Today, however, I was reminded about another one that had slipped my mind: Taking up TWO parking places. Really? Do you really have to do that? Its absolutely ridiculous!! Luckily I was not affected by this poor driver's parking inability, but I was angry for the poor girl who couldn't find a parking spot so she could get to class!
Lucky Days:
Now I don't know if I would necessarily call this luck. Today I finally faced the fact that I was completely out of food and needed to go to the grocery store. I hate going to the grocery store, but when you're hungry, what else can you do? So I got to the grocery store and I'm walking up and down the aisles filling up my cart with various things that I can eat that will last for more than one meal. When it came time to checkout, my least favorite part, I was bracing myself to pay more than I wanted to. But then, after scanning all of my items the grand total was only $20!! I can't even tell you how exciting that was for me! (I will be eating off of this food until February, awesome!)
So regardless of the pains and pet peeves that I had today and the fact that it was raining, today turned out to be quite rewarding. And I even got to enjoy something other than leftovers/PB&J for supper, pizza! Yummy! Point is, when you're having a down day, don't give up! It can still turn out to be just fine!
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