Today I'm writing about something near and dear to my heart: Missions. Recently I have felt called to start doing missions. Where you ask? Well, anywhere that God wants me to go, but currently, California.
This spring break I am going on a mission trip with the Ole Miss Baptist Student Union to northern California, specifically Golden Gate Seminary. While there we will be doing construction work and worshipping and of course sharing the gospel. This is my first mission trip as this has been my first real chance to go and serve!
This morning I sent out the final stack of my letters for raising money in order to help fund my trip and I decided that doing that was the most important and noteworthy part of my day.
With this blog post I am asking those of you reading to pray, not only for me, but for the rest of the team going on this mission trip. Pray that we will be able to fully do what God is sending us there to do and that through that we will form relationships with each other and those we reach out to. I also ask that you pray for us as we all try to fund this trip.
As I start my missions experience, one that I hope will be something I am able to do for the rest of my life, I continually say to myself, "Where You go, I'll go," and that is what I will do. Be it Africa, Europe, China, or even Oxford, MS, my goal is to spread the sweet love of Jesus.
This is going to be wonderful.