Tonight, as I am on my dinner break before going to the dreaded night lab (It's not under 40 degrees today!! Yes!!), I decided to have a PB&J instead of cooking a more sophisticated dinner. To end my dinner I decided to open a Christmas gift I had been saving! My mom and sister had gotten me a chocolate frog from the Harry Potter store in NYC. Now, I was saving it partly because there was only one and partly because I knew the chocolate was in fact shaped like a very realistic frog. Because I'm terrified of frogs, it kind of freaked me out a little bit so today I finally worked up the nerve to conquer that frog! (Yummy!)
Brace yourself, I'm about to attempt to get a little deep!
In the first book/movie of the series (HP and the Sorceror's Stone), Harry and Ron meet on the Hogwart's Express while heading to their first year of school. While in their compartment, they are eating chocolate frogs, something Harry has never seen before. As Harry opens his chocolate frog, the frog jumps away and out of the window (it's bewitched). Ron then tells Harry two things:- They only have one good jump in them.
- It's the card you want! (A collectible to wizard children, I got Snape!!)
Now I've probably lost you, but just bear with me. The first statement Ron makes made me think. We only have one life to live, much like the frogs only have "one good jump." So why don't we make it count. God gave us one life, not to waste, but to glorify Him with. Most of us strive to make that difference in the span of our life. Instead of just sitting around day by day and going through the motions, how about from now on we live life to the fullest and do everything for God's glory...Make it count!
Another thing, sometimes we let fear take over our lives. We let it build up so strong that one day we may not be able to face our fears and we could miss out on something wonderful! If you're afraid to fall and you never run, you may never finish that race you have always dreamed of finishing. So today I took a step and in a way ignored my fear of frogs and had a REALLY good piece of chocolate. But this isn't about chocolate. My second challenge of the day is to not live life in such fear that you miss out on all the splendor and wonder that was given to us by our Father. So take a leap of faith! Trust that God will pull you through your fears and let Him help you face them!
And yes, I am VERY thrilled that I got one of my favorite wizards, Severus Snape! :)
So as for day, I have made some pretty mind blowing resolutions for myself. I intend to live my life to the fullest and not let fear hold me back by putting my trust in God. Let that be your new goal, you'll be amazed at how much God has in store for you when you just give Him that leap of faith!
Wonderful post!