Sunday, January 29, 2012

Merely Puddles

 Puddles of water.  Where they are and what they surround reflects in them.  Those things, in a way, define a puddle of water.  A puddle of water surrounded by a mass of flowers will reflect the flowers while a puddle surrounded by a group of people will reflect those exact people.  So if there are two separate puddles and you say to you're friend, "Hey, watch out for the puddle!" they will most likely ask to which one you were referring and you will most likely say the one by the whatever or the one with the reflection of the whatever and maybe even the bigger or smaller one.  So aren't we all just like a puddle of water?  

My dad has always told me that we become like the five people we surround ourselves with most within five years.  Kind of scary, huh?  (Or not, I guess it depends who you surround yourself with)  But isn't that the same as a puddle?  Isn't a puddle just a collection of water that becomes defined by its location and what it reflects into the world? I noticed this today as I was going through the pictures I had taken this weekend and it really made me think.

So I challenge each of you to step back and take a look at your life, and think about these puddles.  What is it that you are reflecting to the world?  Are you surrounded by people that you want to become like one day and is that someone the kind of person that you want to "reflect?"  I have learned this lesson a number of times and have within the last few months really looked at my "puddle" and what I'm reflecting back to the world.  Now after reading this you may think I'm crazy, and that is fine.  But before you jump to conclusions about my sanity or imagination, think about it...take a step back and look.

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